At Bingscore, we understand that sometimes things don't work out as expected. If you decide to cancel your premium plan at any time, you can do so to prevent it from being automatically renewed. However, please note that you will still have access to your subscription until it expires.
If you are unable to access your subscription after payment due to login issues or error messages while watching, our support team is here to assist you in retrieving the correct login information. However, in such cases, you are not eligible for a refund.
If we process a refund, please be aware that your access to the service will be revoked.
Refunds typically take 5-7 business days to process, and we are unable to expedite this timeline. Our payment processors handle refund requests, and we will issue refunds to eligible users as soon as we receive and verify the request.
Please note that Bingscore is not responsible for any bank charges, commissions, or overdraft fees that may arise from the refund. You will need to contact your bank directly to resolve these issues.
If you believe your circumstances warrant special consideration, please contact our support team at email: to request a refund. Be sure to provide evidence and additional information at the time of the error, and we will consider your request on an individual basis.